Creation Residency in Visual Arts with Grant
On the recommendation of its committee of experts, the Foundation awards a CA$10,000 grant with a four-week residency to an artist who has achieved recognition in the visual arts.
Call for Projects
The Foundation’s residency program runs over an approximately 12-month cycle. It includes a four-week stay at the Foundation dedicated to research, two artist presentations designed for a school audience, and a production grant. The program aims to culminate—subject to grants being obtained—in a solo exhibition presented at the Foundation, accompanied by a publication and public programs.
The initial stay offers the artist in residence the opportunity to develop a research project on the Foundation’s premises, as well as to build ties with the various communities of the Centre-du-Québec, a predominantly French-speaking region. Two professional meetings are planned: one with the Foundation’s education team, to discuss the artist’s presentations for school audiences; and the other with a professional in the arts or environment, selected by the Foundation on the basis of the proposed project.
Following the initial stay, the artist in residence and the Grantham Foundation will develop an exhibition project. The artist agrees to work with the Foundation’s team and to participate in the search for funding. Any production resulting from work undertaken at the Foundation must mention the Foundation’s support.
Through its long-term commitment, the Foundation wishes to provide meaningful support for the development and dissemination of thoughtful, innovative projects whose subject, materials or process reflects the importance of the aesthetic and global issues related to the environment in the Anthropocene age.
While not required to do so, the Grantham Foundation encourages artists to propose projects inspired by the specifics of the environment in which the Foundation is located.
The program is intended for artists in the visual arts who reside in Quebec, elsewhere in Canada or abroad, have a minimum of five years of professional practice.
The projects submitted must be in keeping with the Grantham Foundation’s mission and objectives. Visual arts are defined as practices recognized as such professionally—photography, installation, sculpture, painting, graphic art, performance—as well as sound art, digital and media practices.
Duos are eligible, with the same conditions offered.
Please note that artists coming from abroad are responsible for completing the administrative procedures required to allow them to enter Canada and remain in Quebec for the duration of their stay.
In addition to being hosted by the Foundation, the residency consists of a CA$10,000 grant, which includes a living allowance, a residence fee, a fee for the educational activities, and a production grant. The Foundation also provides logistical and administrative support for putting together grant applications and producing the exhibition.
An additional lump sum of no more than CA$500 is provided to cover a portion of the travel expenses of artists whose place of residence is located beyond a radius of 500 km from Saint-Edmond-de-Grantham.
Residency location
The Foundation is located next to a small river, in a wooded area on the edge of a forest, in the francophone municipality of Saint-Edmond-de-Grantham, some 100 km east of Montreal. A living space, workspace and exhibition space all at once, it was designed to foster an all-season dialogue between the indoor spaces and the outside surroundings. The interior has an open floor plan, with a bed and a kitchen that can be hidden away.
Residents have access to the wooded area, the river and the adjacent forest. Site-specific work is permitted, even encouraged, but it must be carried out with a sense of respect for the integrity of the place. No objects may be permanently installed inside or outside the Foundation.
To find out more about the location, click here.
Length of stay and dates
Research-driven stay, for four continuous weeks. Exact dates to be established in consultation with the artist.
Presentation of application
Applicants must present:
a presentation page with artist's name and contact details (email, postal address and phone number)
their artist statement (1 page maximum)
the concept of the project, specifying its relevance relative to the Foundation’s mission, as well as a desired schedule for the stay (1 page maximum)
an overview of expected results (1 page maximum)
a curriculum vitae (3 pages maximum)
a visual portfolio (10 images or 5 web links with full captions and credits)
a press review (5 pages maximum)
Documents must be assembled in this order in a single PDF (maximum 1 Gb). The file must be submitted by WeTransfer to
An acknowledgment of receipt is sent within two working days following reception of the file. Only complete applications that comply with these guidelines will be considered by the selection committee.
Selection process
The Foundation’s committee of experts acts as selection committee. All applicants receive a response once the selection process is complete, no later than September 13, 2025.
Assessment criteria
Overall quality of the application
Relevance and originality of the proposed project relative to the Foundation’s mandate
Project potential relative to the Foundation’s mediation activities
Feasibility of the project